Who We Are

Ahad Rebar Detailing Services

Ahad Rebar is a specialist engineering service & solutions business enterprise servicing customers throughout quite a number engineering segments helping enhance their engineering efficiency, Assist their global foot print and enhance their competitiveness. Leveraging technology, area knowledge & our robust work making plans method to ensure an effective global delivery model for engineering services projects, We’ve got emerged as a partner-of-preference for leading global firms.

Our detailers pride themselves in accuracy and adherence to project schedules. Once plans have approved the cutting and bending details are directly transmitted electronically to our production system and it goes out to equipment. Ahad Rebar Engineering Services is established in Chennai, Services customers throughout the USA, Canada, Middle East and UK.

About Us





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Our Company

quick & efficiency

Integrity in Professional services is one of the major factors of Ahad Rebar Success.

Our Mission

Commitment towards professional ethics is being cultivated among the dedicated staff members.

24/7 Services

24/7 support model ensures that a customer is able to get their issue resolved no matter what day or time it is.


What We Do

If you are looking for a Rebar Detailing and Rebar Estimation servicing company look us.

Great Contribution

In addition to Quality Management, it maintained and followed extensive regulations and programs.

Trusted Company

Providing a reliable expertise in detailing services, over nearly 17 years of hard work and aspired commitment to quality and on-time delivery.

Total Projects

Happy Clients

Our Team Member

Finished Projects

Our Services